Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Politics dominate our life.

Last week I went with some of my classmates to Market Mall to have some coffee and to shop. I spent a really nice time with them. We went to some shops and we tried some clothes on, but did not like them so sad. Later that day, we went to Starbucks, and we had our coffee together (I should say they had because i don't drink coffee at all). We sat together and we talked about too many things. Then we started to talk about politics. Lizbeth said that a serious political problem is going on in her country these days and people are suffering too much from this. She thought that the best solution is by having an external power to get rid of the present system. I completely disagreed with her because see what had happened to my country when the US invaded my country and removed the president from his power. My country today is a very dangerous place for every person who live a normal life. I think that we could make Iraq strong enough to stand up on two feet on its own rather than depending on the crazy American military to bring peace to the country. In fact, those American soldiers are very crazy and whenever they see anybody even a child, they will shake like rats. I don't think such a frightened soldiers will bring any peace to the country. I think it is obvious for all of us that some politicians in this world are just aiming to keep their power with them and they don't even care about people's lives. I think that politics are just crazy.


maja said...

I think that the problem are the systems that allow people become too powerful, like it was the case in Iraq and is now in Venezuela. But what is better, being oppressed by the own "government", civil war, or foreign invasion? It's all terrible.

Ghazal said...

I am completely agree with you and I think every single of us should stand up for our rights and do not let one country to become too much powerful that can take away our freedom.