Hi every body. Now we are in the midterm. Can you believe it! This week is a very hectic week for every student. We have many things to do ......Oh my God. These days my life is only studying. When I go home, I just have my dinner with my little brother because everybody is at work and then take a little snap, then wake up and studying. Isn't that boring? Also I am worried that I do not have enough time to study for the midterm because I have to work Friday night and saturday and I am not allowed to be absent from work because my boss will get mad at me. Last time, she told me that you are working two days and then you phone and say i am sick that is not acceptable,so my situation is critical because all the waring from my boss. First, she was a very nice lady. But later, when i start to call and say that I am sick. She become more mad at me. Whatever, I do not care about my job as i care for my study. I do not care if she gets mad or nor or even if get fired from this job. I work at series in ladies were and it is really busy in the weekend. People are shoping as if they never bought clothes before. They are crazy, especially, lades. Oh my god..... Almost all our cutomers are old ladies. you know old ladies they are crabby and they keep bothering you all the time by there unreasonable questions. Some of them are very nice and they really appreciate your help, while other you feel that their aim is only to bother other people and argue with them. Sometimes they get mad at me for something i am not responsible for and when I told them that they become more and more angrey. you know what i always do? I just ignore them. you know not all the people are the same. Oh.. i feel that i am talking alot about my job. I should think only about the midterm and how to prepare for it. I hope that I will did well in the midterm and good luck for everybody.
I didn't know you have a job at Sears. I once had a part time job in retail (at a bookstore), and it's amazing how much hard work it is. People used to drive me crazy!
Good luck for the rest of the mid-terms to you too! Two more days only, and it's over already. I'm sure you'll be fine!
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